# Features
The list of features and any other that make sty+ct+ap **special**. (alt title: why you should choose sty+ct+ap over sty+ct [or other versions])
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* [[./#client-side | Client Side]]
* [[./#server-side | Server Side]]
* [[./#others | Both]]
## Client Side
* [[../console_commands#tab-completion | Tab Completion]] of names or commands in chat. Similar to 0.4
* Added to "Special Menu" of sty+ct+ap client build.
* Can tab complete in color or standard.
* Using /admin will result in commands filing up
* Using /team /msg /shout will result in filling executed text with a person's name closely matching it.`
* Also works for local commands for "Con: ".
* [[../console_commands#highlight-name | Highlight Own Name]] in string when your name appears in chat string sent by somebody else.
* Taken directly from 0.4 Trunk Version.
* Added to "Special Menu" of sty+ct+ap client build.
* `*` is added to the front of player name when viewing scoreboard. This indicates that player is either chatting or idle.
* Chat message indications:
* `*DEAD*` is added to the front of chat string of players that are dead (including yourself). Doesn't apply to spectators though.
* `*SPEC*` is added in front of players in spectator mode.
* [[../console_commands#silence-enemies | Silence Enemies]] from 0.4
* [[../console_commands#enable-mates-casing | Enabling Mates Casing]] which was due to phytotron's complaint.
* 0.4 Trunk Version has taken it now.
* [[../console_commands#custom-teamname-commands | Custom Team names]] was taken from 0.4 Trunk Version.
* I fixed an error that occurs after a player logged into their authority account.
* [[../console_commands#hide-cycles | Hide Cycles/Walls]] was a new implementation to the game.
* Users can activate/deactivate them through the "Special Setup" menu option or through the use of the console commands
* This feature is basically to hide the cycles/tails of players on the grid while the use is also alive.
* [Save/Load CFG Settings](https://www.armanelgtron.tk/styctap/forums/client_feature_save_cfg_settings_pg1.html)
## Server Side
* Rotation of maps and config files depending on [[../console_commands#rotation-type | ROTATION_TYPE]].
* Storage of maps and config files for non-rotation purposes. Can only be called upon by queueing.
* Queueing of maps and config files. Chat commands as well (/mq for queueing maps and /cq for queueing config files).
* When the queue is full, normal rotation will halt and will continue as soon as the queue is empty.
* View the list of chat commands [[../console_commands#commands | here]].
* Racing with timer, works if you set [[../console_commands#race-timer-enabled-0-1 | RACE_TIMER_ENABLED]] to 1.
* [[../console_commands#collapse-destroy-commands | Collapse/Destroy]] zones by their name or id.
* [[../console_commands#custom-commands | Custom Console Message]] which is quite useful for users bored of appending messages to console_message.
* [[../console_commands#display-map-commands | Display Map Details]] which is handy to know what map you're playing in.
* [[../console_commands#soccer-commands | Soccer Style]] which is quite similar to the real life soccer games.
* Map is located in the resource: Lover-Boy/soccer-1.0.0.aamap.xml
* This feature could still be buggy since it was not fully tested
* [[../console_commands#shot-commands | Shooting at base]] does not have to respawn teammates/enemies.
* [[../console_commands#deadly-commands | Deadly Explosions]] which was taken from dlh's branch in launchpad for 0.4 Trunk Version.
* [[../console_commands#cycle-rubber-deplete-commands | Rubber Deplete Commands]]. Depending on the commands that are enabled, a player's rubber will deplete.
* If all commands are disabled (set to 0) then you could achieve immortal rubber and therefore never be core dumped :)
See also: [[../chat_commands | Chat Commands]] for more
## Others
* Alpha Project (sty+ct+ap) has it's own map DTD with [map-0.2.9_styctap_vX.dtd](./styctap_dtd.html) located in Lover-Boy resource folder.
* The dtd contains a lot of very interesting and fascinating features.
* Check out Lover-Boy/example-1.0.0.aamap.xml on how it works.
* Error logging.
* Any errors detected in Login will be stored in "./var/errors/login_errors.txt".
* Multiple Colors in screen name of players is now allowed.
* This is supported in both +ap clients and servers, however the server must support it.
* sty+ct+ap the client will also allow entry of infinite color codes into the name within the menu. (Other clients will still accept additional color codes under `PLAYER_1` and similar entries, but not in the menu.)
* This means your name may be truncated if you enter a server which doesn't support the filter. I may think of a workaround in the future. (probably by looking at the server version, which wouldn't be perfect either)
* Updated [[../console_commands#spawn-zone | SPAWN_ZONE]] options.
* New Zone types:
* acceleration - When a player enter into this zone, it automatically accelerates their speed.
* speed - When a player enter into this zone, it makes the player travel at specified/constant speed before returning to normal speeds.
* rubberAdjust - Set the player's rubber at constant as long as they remain inside the zone.
* object - Simply put, a zone without purpose but can do things which the target zone cannot do. For instance, follow a player like zombieOwner. Typically used in scripts.